From primitive tools to advanced artificial intelligence, humanity has come a long way. The history of technology is a testament to our desire for knowledge and innovation. Let’s take a look at how we’ve gone all the way from ooga-booga to beep-boop!
The Prologue
Every superhero has humble beginnings and so does our technology! Ancient civilisations like Mesopotamia, Egypt and China invented writing systems, and agricultural tools and the wheel laid the foundations for future human development. These early technologies allowed for the development of more complex societies that eased trade, communication and cultural exchange.
Knowledge! Heck yeah!
Aside from the various artistic and intellectual developments during the Renaissance, many scientific developments were also made. The printing press for one was a very important invention as it allowed for the mass production of books and easier proliferation of knowledge. Other notable innovations include the telescope that helped us explore the stars and the unfortunate creation of many painful and torturous mathematical principles by the man himself, Isaac Newton.
Slow & Steady Wins The- Huh?! What The-!
The Industrial Revolution greatly accelerated our technological growth. Production became largely mechanized and mass manufacturing became the norm as the factory system came to be. Inventions like the spinning jenny and power loom revolutionized textile production, while steam-powered locomotives and railways transformed transportation, connecting distant regions and accelerating trade.
Fast Gets Faster!
Buy two World Wars and get one Cold War free! Welcome to the 20th century! In this era, failing to innovate could very possibly mean the end of your nation (and if you were the USA or the USSR, the end of the world!). We saw the invention of the telegraph enable rapid long-distance communication, the radio revolutionizing wireless communication and vast improvements in computing and electronic amplification. This is also when we saw the masses gain access to news and entertainment in a manner that somewhat resembles what we experience today, but most importantly we stepped foot on the moon, a body that has stared down at us from the heavens ever since we came to be.
Congratulations! The World Now Rests In Your Pocket!
This is the age of information, a smartphone can do anything you want it to, tell you whatever you want it to. By being digitally connected, we have all developed as a global society and have worked together to change the world. More charities than ever are now at work to counteract the many problems we face, from cancer to climate change. We have automated large portions of our lives and will continue to do so as we attempt to go beyond our own boundaries.